How To Make A Woman Fall In Love With You

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Love and falling in love, has been a mystery ever since human beings exist. What makes us fall in love is definitely hard to explain or to learn.

And yet, as impossible as it might seem, I will make this attempt and try to explain, what makes a woman fall in love with a man.

So in this post we’ll learn what makes a woman fall in love, what can you do to make it happen, and what’s the connection between love and attraction.

Falling In Love And Attraction

Is there a connection between sexual attraction and love? Well, love can exist with attraction – for example, between friends or between family members.

However, when we refer to love between men and women, we definitely mean love based on a strong sexual attraction.

So the answer is ‘yes’ – a woman needs to be sexually attracted to you in order to fall in love.

An yet attraction is apparently just one thing. A woman can have sex with a guy because she is extremely attracted to him, and yet, she will not be in love with him.

In order to make a woman fall in love, there is something else that you need, which is more than just attraction. What is it then? What is this impossible love?

The Power Of Rapport

Rapport is the feeling of deep connection and understanding between 2 people. If you watch 2 friends carefully, you will notice how their body language, the words they use – are pretty similar. Good friends might even understand each other without words.

So this deep connection is called rapport.

Rapport is naturally established between good friends who know each other for years. But it can be also created with a new person, for example a new girl that you meet.

You can build rapport with another person, but using the same body gestures, by using the same tonality, the same words. By showing real interest in the other person.

To make a woman fall in love with you, your first step is to create attraction. And the second step is to build strong rapport.

Make Her Feel Understood

A woman’s desire from a man is to be understood. She wants a man who understands what she feels. She needs a man who understands what she needs. And this can be you.

A basic way to create rapport is by mirroring the girl – body language and tonality. Find how she moves her hands; use the same speed, the same volume of her voice. Check which words she repeats, and do the same.

Also, make her feel that you listen to her, by actively listening. Active listening means that you show interest in what she says. Ask her questions about it, tell your own examples.

A good way to show that you understand a woman, is to repeat what she says in your own words. You don’t need to ask her a new question. You don’t need to say anything funny. Just tell what she said in your own words.

Don’t Get Into The “Friend Zone”

Although rapport is the way towards making a woman fall in love, it can also be tricky. There is a reason for which I began with sexual attraction.

Because if you just build rapport with a woman without making her feel attracted to you, what you will get is classic friendship. She will see you as a good friend who understands her, and that’s it. It’s called “The Friend Zone”.

In order to make her fall in love with you, you need to be more than a good friend. You need to be her lover.


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23 апреля 2021, начало в 10:06

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